Inserts utilize high quality paper that not only hold the pizza high, but absorb the grease and water inside the insert.
Our inserts have a nice sharp glean and not a faded, transparent dusty appearance.
Cheese sticking to an insert is not a plus. Our inserts are formulated to discourage the cheese from bonding to the paper.
Has your shrink wrapped inserts split open and ended up on the floor? Disgusting right?
Well, our inserts come 200 in a box and easily sit on a shelf.
Our inserts are made to absorb grease from meat lovers pizza's, water from Veggy pizzas and any other foreign liquids. Keep your crust dry with an insert with the highest kit rate (retention quality) in the industry.
Perfect for hand tossed, thin and Neapolitan style pizza's that tend not to travel as well outside the pizzeria.
Our inserts has a special coating that is FDA approved for direct food contact.
The Carolina's Largest Supplier of Custom Pizza Boxes to Independent Pizzerias.
Copyright 2018 Pizza Box Express.